Kether Torah is an Orthodox congregation in Pittsburgh, PA founded in 1907 by immigrants from Volinia. In 1914, they expanded their membership and legally incorporated. The congregation built a synagogue in the Hill District of Pittsburgh in 1921 and sold the building in 1951 before relocating to Squirrel Hill in 1957. In 1994 they sold that building to Hillel Academy, where they continue to meet for Shabbat services.
This pinkas lists the names, yahrzeits, and burial plots for interments in their “old” cemetery on Hoffman Road, covering December 15, 1917-July 24, 1962. The congregation later dedicated a “new”cemetery.
As the images below show, the cover appears to have once had a hand-written title, although it is now almost illegible. The title page was written in calligraphy. The interior pages are not illuminated. The book is notable for the amount of ephemera stuck between the pages, much of which is difficult to discern.